The Family Bouquet
Nothing beats the surprise of a florist at the door with a beautiful bouquet. My sweet husband sent me a bouquet last week and it was an especially wonderful one. It was made up of roses of several colors: pink, white, and some pinks with white edges. It had a spray of orange, some purple accents, red lilies and white ones trimmed with green. There were different sizes also.
Some were full blossoms with satiny petals and some swirled and curled. Some were ruffled and some speckled. Each bloom unique.
The little ones came in clusters, several on a stem, like triplets or
quintuplets. Some were perfectly shaped and symmetrical and others off-centered
and just a bit uneven. Like the artist’s technique of off-setting, this makes
them more interesting.
One big pink rose was the focal point and first catches your eye, but
then the different sizes and colors cause your eye to run through the whole
bouquet. Each flower added to the overall effect and appeal. The green leaves
gave contrast and the little poppies couldn't have been sweeter!
Families are God’s bouquets—all sizes, infants, toddlers, youngsters,
teens, adults, and old folks—all shapes, sizes, personality types, all adding
sounds to the music of a symphony—each adding shape and color to the overall
I have seven children and each is as different as can be. Alone each
may be considered lovely, but
together—each is a unique part of the whole,
blended with parents and grandparents and some contrasts and sweetnesses—they
become another of God’s masterpieces.
When God made Adam, it was the first of His creations which He did not
think was complete. He said, “It is not good that the man should be alone.”
(Gen 2:18) God knew that man needed a family.
In Psalms 68: 6, David said, “God sets the solitary in families.” He
gathers single flowers into full bouquets. Beautiful!
©2014 Elece Hollis, author of Oh Baby!—a little handbook for new moms available on